Our 2019 AGM was held on 21 November 2019 and it was great to have over 130 members attend the meeting and take part in MOVE Bank’s governance.
Members re-appointed directors Scott Riedel and Mick Skinner to the Board for a further term of 3 years and voted in favour of the proposed increase to directors’ remuneration.
CEO Therese Turner presented her report which focused on:
› MOVE Bank’s financial performance over the 2018/19 financial year
› Exceptional member experiences and award-winning product offerings
› New initiatives and industry support
Chairman Andrew Haynes presented his report on our improved operational and cost efficiencies, and commended Bron Davies for being elected by the Board as the new Chair of MOVE Bank.
On behalf of the entire MOVE Bank team, we’d like to thank Andrew Haynes for his hard and work and dedication as Director of MOVE Bank since 2009 and Chairman since 2016 and congratulate Bron Davies for her new position as Chair.
We’re looking forward to seeing the results of our strategic initiatives and the continuing support of our members in the year ahead.
Thank you to all members who participated in this year’s AGM.