Our 2018 AGM was held on 8 November 2018 and it was great to have over 150 members attend the meeting and take part in MOVE Bank’s governance.

Members re-appointed directors Bron Davies, Kellie Dyer and Andrew Hughes to the Board for a further term of 3 years and voted in favour of the proposed increase to directors’ remuneration.

Chairman Andrew Haynes presented his report and offered a special thanks to:

  • Founding Director Don Collins for his dedication and service to MOVE Bank
  • Noeline Stewart for more than 40 years of service working with MOVE Bank

CEO Therese Turner presented her report which focused on:

  • MOVE Bank’s financial performance over the 2017/18 financial year
  • Enhanced member experience and product offerings
  • Future initiatives and industry support

Following the official proceedings, we were honoured to hear from one of our founding directors, Don Collins, who shared his memories of the early years of the Credit Union and the enormous challenges faced by the inaugural board of directors in establishing the great organisation we have today.


Thank you to all members who participated in this year’s AGM.