Written by Natalie Edwards

In a world where expenses seem to be constantly on the rise, finding ways to save money has become a top priority for many Australian families. Fortunately, there are numerous practical and effective strategies that families can adopt to trim their budget without sacrificing quality of life. From savvy shopping to energy-efficient practices, here are some tried-and-true methods that you could consider to help save money and achieve financial peace of mind.

1. Embrace Meal Planning and Cooking at Home

One of the most effective ways to save money is by planning meals and cooking at home. Eating out frequently can quickly add up, but by creating a weekly meal plan and shopping list, you can reduce food waste and avoid last-minute takeout orders. Buying ingredients in bulk and seeking out sales and discounts can also contribute to significant savings over time.


2. Opt for Second-Hand and Hand-Me-Downs

When it comes to clothing, furniture, and even electronics, considering second-hand options can lead to substantial savings. Thrift stores, online marketplaces, and garage sales can be treasure troves of gently used items at a fraction of their original cost. Additionally, passing down clothing and items between family members can stretch your budget further.


3. Compare Prices and Shop Smartly

Before making a purchase, take advantage of price comparison websites and apps to find the best deals. Many supermarkets offer loyalty programs and digital coupons that can lead to substantial savings. Buying non-perishable items in bulk can also lead to cost savings over the long run.


4. Energy-Efficient Practices

Being mindful of energy consumption can significantly impact your utility bills. Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, unplugging devices, and using energy-efficient appliances can add up over time. Installing energy-efficient light bulbs, adjusting air conditioning settings and enabling auto-off or power saving timers built in to your appliances and devices can also contribute to a reduction in your electricity costs.

5. Reduce Transportation Costs

Public transportation, carpooling, and walking or cycling for short trips can help cut down on fuel expenses. Regular vehicle maintenance, such as keeping tires properly inflated and getting timely tune-ups, can improve fuel efficiency. Additionally, combining errands and planning routes can help minimise unnecessary driving.


6. Unplug and Streamline Entertainment

Review your subscription services for streaming, gaming, and other forms of entertainment. Consider whether you're fully utilising these services and whether you can reduce or eliminate any subscriptions. Family game nights, outdoor activities, and borrowing books from the library are cost-effective alternatives to constant digital entertainment.


7. Create a Budget and Track Spending

Creating a budget is an essential step in managing your finances. The MOVE Bank Budget Planner tool is a great place to track your income and expenses to identify where your money is currently being spent. You can visit movebank.com.au/budgetplanner to get started. Once you have mapped out your income and expenses, you can use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. By maintaining an accurate budget, you will have visibility of your upcoming repayments, bills and key living expenses and can allocate your money to those expenses before they are due. Once you have those expenses covered, you will have a better idea of what discretionary purchases you can afford to make and ensure that you are living within your means. Getting into a habit of regularly reviewing your budget can also help you stay on track and identify potential savings opportunities. Any savings you make can be used to help pay off any outstanding debt you may have, or alternatively if you have a redraw or offset facility on your home loan, you could consider making additional mortgage repayments or moving these funds into an offset account to help reduce your payable interest.


8. DIY Projects and Repairs

Basic DIY skills can save you money on home repairs and maintenance. Instead of hiring professionals for every task, consider tackling simple projects yourself. From fixing leaky taps to painting rooms, learning basic repair skills can lead to substantial savings over time. Take advantage of the vast online video tutorials and resources available to learn a new skill and put more money back into your pocket at the same time. You may even be able to turn your newfound skill into a money making side hustle!


9. Explore Free and Low-Cost Activities

Entertainment doesn't have to be expensive. Many cities in Australia offer free or low-cost events, parks, and recreational facilities. Take advantage of nature trails, community events, and public spaces for quality family time without breaking the bank.

Here are a few suggestions to get you thinking:

  • Have a look on your local council website to see what free or low-cost activities are available near you.

  • Visit your local library and see what free activities may be on offer during the school holidays to help occupy the kids.

  • Look for Facebook groups that promote free events in your area. There are lots of community orientated events that you may not hear about otherwise.

  • Get out in nature. Go for a walk, have a picnic, play in the park, go fishing, or swim at the beach.

  • Opt for a date night at home with a board game or a pack of cards... and a bottle of wine.

  • Have movie nights at home with microwave popcorn.

  • Host a potluck dinner with friends where everyone brings a plate. You could end up with a meal made of desserts (#winning).


10. Set Financial Goals as a Family

Engage your family in discussions about financial goals. Whether it's saving up for a vacation, a new car, or an emergency fund, involving everyone in the process can create a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to smart money management.

Saving money as a family doesn't have to be a daunting task. Try some of these practical strategies and make a few adjustments to your lifestyle and you can achieve significant financial savings without sacrificing quality of life. From mindful spending to energy-efficient practices, every small step counts toward building a more secure and prosperous future for your family.

This blog post is for general information purposes only and is not intended as financial or professional advice. It does not have regard to the financial situation or needs of any reader and must not be relied upon as financial product or other professional advice. You should seek your own independent financial, legal and taxation advice before making any decision about any action in relation to the material in this article. ​