Issue 11 - Notice to Shareholding Members

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Railways Credit Union Limited trading as MOVE Bank (“MOVE”) will be held on Thursday 8th November 2018 at the Pullman Brisbane King George Square, Corner Ann and Roma Streets, Brisbane at 5:45pm for 6.00pm.   Call for Nominations Nominations are called for the position of Director of MOVE.  In order to be nominated,...

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Issue 11 - New fee structure gives back to members

In the April issue of MOVE Life we announced that we were changing our transaction fee structure, with the aim of making everyday banking transaction-fee free for as many of you as possible. Since the new structure came into effect on 1 May 2018 then we’ve been able to reduce the number of members paying fees by 32% This is fantastic news for mem...

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Issue 11 - NEW! First Home Loan Special

We’re committed to helping more first home buyers take that all important first step on the property ladder. That's why we're offering a discounted rate of 3.69% p.a. (4.00 p.a. comparison rate*) on our First Home Loan for the first year of your mortgage^.   First Home Loan 1Y Introductory Rate 3.69% p.a. Fixed Rate 4.00% p...

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Issue 11 - Introducing MOVE Bank

We are excited to announce that we are now MOVE Bank! Members can expect to see our new logo appearing on the website and in print over the next few weeks. This exciting change came into effect on 7 May 2018, in response to recent changes to legislation governing financial institutions.   Why the change? Until recently the Australian Prudential...

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Issue 10 - First Home Buyers Club

Buying your first home is often a daunting experience. It means entering into a world of strange lingo, curious calculations and big decisions. That’s why we’ve created the First Home Buyers Club.  Designed to empower first home buyers to achieve their home ownership goals, club members will have exclusive access to tools, property reports and o...

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Issue 10 - Changesto One Time Passwords

When it comes to online banking, protecting our members from fraud is our number one priority. As part of our commitment to continually improving online security, we will be introducing a change to the way One Time Passwords work within myMOVE Banking. This change will take effect from mid to late April. If you are registered for One Time Passwor...

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Issue 10 - Express Saver wins Mozo Experts Choice Award

We are delighted to announce the Express Saver has been awarded a prestigious MOZO Experts Choice Award for “No Strings Savings”! The award recognises savings accounts that offer the best interest rates that aren’t subject to special conditions or only available for a limited period of time. Only the top 10% of accounts in each category receive an...

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Issue 10 - From the CEO

The year has gotten off to a flying start, as we continue to improve our products and services to better serve your needs. Some of the highlights so far this year include the launch of the New Payments Platform (NPP) and the latest release of the myMOVE App. MOVE was one of only a handful of financial institutions who were ready and able to make a...

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Issue 10 - New Payments Platform launch

The New Payments Platform (NPP) launched successfully on 14 February, and since then MOVE members have successfully made and received hundreds of real time payments! MOVE was one of the first financial institutions to offer the full range of NPP payment options – which is quite an achievement considering a number of participating financial institu...

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