5 tips for finding a property in a competitive market

2023 saw property prices continue to rise despite consistent interest rate rises and high inflation. As a result, the prospect of securing a property has become even more challenging. Here are our top 5 tips to help you get into the market sooner. 1. Pre-Approval Before you even start going to open-homes, the first conversation you have should be...

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Warning - Tax Refund SMS Scams

The Australian Taxation Office is warning about a high volume of SMS scams pretending to be from the ATO. These scams tell you that you’re owed an income tax repayment and ask you to click a hyperlink and complete a form. But clicking the link takes you to a fake ATO web page that asks for your personal identifying information, including your cred...

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Talk to the experts: protecting our members from financial crime

Here at MOVE Bank, we take the safety and security of our members and their personal information seriously. When it comes to financial crimes and scams, education and awareness plays a vital role in our overall strategy to protect our members. To learn more about what exactly the team here at MOVE Bank does to safeguard our members against financi...

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What you need to know about investment scams

Investment scams target individuals by offering seemingly risk-free investments with large and guaranteed returns. These scams can be more difficult to spot than others but are often far more damaging if scammers are successful – costing Australians $177 million last year alone. * Investment scams come in many forms but will often begin with an un...

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How to spot and avoid Flubot scams

In recent months you may have heard the term Flubot. This new type of scam has been targeting Australians since August 2021 and uses seemingly legitimate text messages to try and reach their targets. So, let’s discuss how to identify a Flubot scam and how to protect yourself.   What is a Flubot scam? A Flubot scam begins with a text message abou...

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Protect what’s precious with this bushfire checklist

You care about your property and valuables, so make sure they’re protected and get peace of mind that they’re being covered. Losing your home or business to a fire is life changing. This coming bushfire season prepare for the worst and make sure the valuables you’ve worked so hard for are appropriately protected before it’s too late. After a bush...

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Let’s break down Victoria’s Homebuyer Fund

Victoria’s state government just released the details of it’s newly announced Homebuyer Fund, designed to help home buyers get their foot in the property market. The scheme is appealing, with the government offering to tip in up to 25% of a property’s purchase price, leaving buyers with just 5% deposit to pay and no Lenders Mortgage Insurance. So, ...

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Weekend projects to increase the value of your home

Whether you’re looking to sell or simply want to get stuck into some home improvements, there are plenty of DIY projects you can do! These simple improvements can make a big difference to the look and feel of your home, as well as increasing its value.   Update your fixtures We’re talking bathroom taps, outdated lighting fixtures, and worn doork...

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What the Olympics could mean for Brisbane home-buyers

There is no doubt that Brisbane’s winning bid to host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will have a significant impact on the city. Infrastructure and development in the lead up to the big event will change the city landscape and leave an Olympic legacy in the years following. With all these big changes in the pipeline, many Brisbane residents...

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