Send and receive money faster with PayID

Make fast, easy payments with PayID and forget your BSB and account number!

Simply create a PayID using your mobile phone number or email address and we'll securely link it to your chosen account.
No more long account details to remember - just share your PayID to send and receive money in near real time.

Why get a PayID?


PayID makes completing transactions a simpler process. No more BSB and long account numbers to remember!


All PayID payments are processed in near real time, meaning that you won't need to wait around for funds to arrive.


We take your security seriously, which is why all transactions made using PayID have the same level of security that protects your existing bank accounts.

Register your PayID

Ready to get your PayID? Just follow the simple steps below and forget your BSB and account number for good!

On internet banking

  1. Login in to Internet Banking

  2. Under “My Preferences” select "Manage PayID"

  3. Select the PayID you want to register

  4. Click “Create

On our mobile app

  1. Login in to the App

  2. Under the “Home” tab select "Transfers"

  3. Click “PayID” then “Add New”

  4. Select the PayID you want to register

  5. Click “Confirm”

Need help registering for a PayID?